Maysaloun Hamoud's remarkable debut feature In Between follows three strong and independent-minded Palestinian women who share an apartment in Tel Aviv. Away from the constraints of their families...
Golden Globe Winner Kelsey Grammer* stars in the inspiring coming of age story, set during the iconic 90s LA music scene. Micky Adams (Grammer), an eccentric has-been rock musician, loses his grip on...
At the offices of a Boston alternative newspaper, the staff members enjoy a positive and open-minded work environment. Music critic Max (Jeff Goldblum) uses his influence to score dates, while news...
Traumatized as he was by the loss of his wife Mary (Lydia Hearst) and young daughter in a house fire, truck driver Joe (Nicolas Cage) was willing to assist medium Julie (Franka Potente) in a...
A college dropout moves back home to the suburbs where she is diagnosed with a mental illness. There, she learns to coexist with her well-meaning and aggravated family, while navigating a new normal....