Horror novelist Roger Cobb is a man on the edge, reeling from his recent divorce, haunted by the mysterious disappearance of his young son, and struggling with his new book about his traumatic...
Carrie, a young religious fundamentalist, is abandoned by her missionary father and has to move in with her mother, who is now in a committed lesbian relationship and has a biological child named Tia...
Gwen Stevens (Alexandra Boylan) is at a crossroads in her life and needs a safe, quiet place to get her head together. But when she arrives at the house of her deceased parents in the remote New...
How to describe Nobuhiko Obayashis indescribable 1977 movie HOUSE (Hausu)? As a psychedelic ghost tale? a stream of consciousness bedtime story? An episode of Scooby-Doo as directed by Mario Bava?...