Much-anticipated "Game of Thrones" prequel series from HBO, set some two centuries before the events of the original and during the reign of Viserys Targaryen (Paddy Considine), whose designation of...
God of Mischief Loki (Tom Hiddleston)-or, technically, a variant version of him-is promptly picked up by the temporal-monitoring Time Variance Authority when his theft of one of the Infinity Stones...
Based on the beloved award-winning DC comic series written by Neil Gaiman (American Gods, Coraline), THE SANDMAN is a rich, character-driven blend of myth and dark fantasy woven together over the...
One of the biggest martial arts epics ever filmed stars Bruce Lee as Lee, a karate master hired by British agents to infiltrate the island fortress of criminal mastermind Han (Shih Kien) during a...