Three-disc set includes: Merry-Go-Round (K÷rhinta) (1956)For lovely young co-op farm girl Marie Pataki (Mari T÷r÷csik), her existence was upended when her father (B?la Barsi) decided to pull out of the commune-and promise her in marriage to an arrogant and much older neighbor (?dßm Szirtes). The determination of true love Mßt? B?r? (Imre So?s) brings her to take a fateful stand in this acclaimed effort from director Zoltßn Fßbri; Manyi Kiss also stars. 95 min. In Hungarian with English subtitles. BW/Rtg: NR Current (Sodrßsban) (1964)On the cusp of graduation, a klatch of eight school friends opted for one final summer beach getaway. However, a dare to see who can dive deepest into the river results in the disappearance of one-and his cronies are left to sort through the aftermath. Director Istvßn Gaßl's provocative ensemble piece stars Andrßs Kozßk, Jßnos Harkßnyi, Sßndor Csik?s, Andrea Drahota, Marianna Mo?rs, Gyula Szers?n, Lajos T?th, Tibor Orbßn. 81 min. In Hungarian with English subtitles. BW/Rtg: NR Agnus Dei (?gi Bßrßny) (1971)In 1919, during Hungary's 133 day-lived communist revolution, the fervent efforts of a fanatically anti-communist priest (J?zsef Madaras) to denounce the Red Army and urge his followers to take up arms against it wind up paving the way for even more insidious oppression. Director Mikl?s Jancs?'s powerful parable also stars Lajos Balßzsovits, Daniel Olbrychski, Mßrk Zala, Jaroslava Schallerovß. 84 min. In Hungarian with English subtitles. C/Rtg: NR Standard and Widescreen; Soundtrack: Hungarian, English; Subtitles: English; bonus short "Tisza - Autumn Sketches" (1962); featurettes; theatrical trailers; more. In Hungarian with English subtitles.
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