Hungarica Demokratura CD1. ZR Nyi SZ Zata (Intro) 2. J JJ El Szabads G! 3. Rendor Llam 4. Demokrat Ra 5. Vill M S Jtson 6. Muveleti Ter Leten 7. T Rik a Magyart 8. Hat Ron Innen Es T L 9. H Rmashalom...
Raff / Albert / Philharmonia Hungarica Symphony 7 CD1. Wanderung Im Hochgebirge. Andante 2. In Der Herberge. Andante Quasi Allegro 3. Am See. Larghetto 4. Beim Schwingfest - Abschied. Allegro
In the last two decades of his career Eugene Zador, whose music fused Classicism with Romanticism to universal acclaim, wrote a series of works that reflected his Hungarian roots. Subtly flavored by...