BLACK WATER VAMPIRE (2014, NR, 82 Minutes) A group of young documentary filmmakers set off to uncover the true story behind the Black Water murders, a series of brutal killings where women were found...
In this subversive satire, a group of elites gather for the very first time at a remote Manor House to hunt ordinary Americans for sport. But the elites' master plan is about to be derailed because...
Eve decides to let loose at a local nightclub after work one evening. There she meets a seemingly charming man who invites her back to his place. But Eve quickly realizes she's being abducted as he...
Laura Mead (played by celebrated ice-skating queen-turned-actress Belita) insists she didn't do the crime. But she did the time, swearing she would murder the incompetent attorney who represented her...
Nasir Jones. The gifted child who paved his way to becoming a rap legend. His unwavering work ethic has allowed him to sell over 13 million albums worldwide. He as received numerous nominations and...