The inimitable Edna May Oliver takes over both trial and deliberations in this effervescent legal comedy-drama. When society dame Yvette Gordon (Jill Esmond) stands accused of shooting her...
Set in New Orleans, this is the story of a mysterious man, Nick Easter who gets himself on the jury of a landmark case against a gun manufacturer in an attempt to influence the other jury members to...
Mickey Spillane's two-fisted private detective Mike Hammer makes his film debut in I, The Jury, now available in stunning 4K UHD, Blu-ray and 3D Blu-ray in this special limited edition from...
I, the Jury [1982] (Blu-ray) Richard T. Heffron - The tough guy hero of the 40s and the excitement of the 80s come together in this dazzling remake of the classic Mickey Spillane (The Girl Hunters)...