THE DAY THAT SHOOK THE WORLD is the story of the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and his wife, Sophie. Known as the spark that ignited...
In 1963 a band burst onto the world stage and single-handedly transformed popular culture. Conquering first Britain and then America the following year, The Beatles and their music were a breath of...
Follow the origins of the #MeToo movement as it spread online taking the world by storm and becoming one of the most popular social media hashtags around the globe. Examining the truth about...
In 1495, the Danish wooden warship Gribshunden caught fire and sank to the bottom of the Baltic Sea off the coast of Sweden. Nearly 500 years later, the surprisingly well-preserved wreck was located,...
Based on Jules Verne's novel, this Australian-produced cartoon series aired from 1972-73. Commoner Phileas Fogg has fallen madly in love with the upscale Belinda Maze, much to the consternation of...