All five full-length feature films from Don Coscarelli's iconic horror franchise together on Blu-ray. Phantasm: Remastered, Phantasm II: The Ball Is Back, Phantasm III: Lord Of The Dead, Phantasm IV:...
Five-disc set includes: The Purge (2013)In the near future, the corporations that govern the United States have devised a way for citizens to release negative energy. It's called "the Purge," an...
Five-disc set includes: Dragonheart (1996)In this spectacular fantasy, Dennis Quaid is Bowen, a swordsman-for-hire who teams with Draco, Earth's remaining dragon (voiced by Sean Connery), in an...
Five-disc set includes: Ice Age (2002)The coolest computer-animated comedy to come along in over 50,000 years, this prehistoric spin on "3 Godfathers" follows a trio of mismatched mammals-woolly...
Five-disc set includes: The Hunt For Red October (1990)The world's largest and deadliest submarine, an undetectable Soviet craft codenamed Red October, is hijacked by commander Marko Ramius (Sean...