Fairbanks plays a street thief who falls in love with a princess who is about to marry. He impersonates another prince to gain access to the princess and becomes involved in a competition for her...
In 1985, Willem de Kooning's "Woman-Ochre," one of the most valuable paintings of the 20th century, was cut from it's frame at the University of Arizona Museum of Art. 32 years later, the painting...
If you met Ray and Mickey Davis, you'd swear they had a perfect marriage. But if you read Mickey's diary, you'd know that unrest is lurking just beneath the surface. Enter Scott Muller, a small time...
Meticulous thief Tom Carter (Liam Neeson) has stolen $9 million from small-town banks while keeping his identity a secret. But after he falls in love with the bubbly Annie (Kate Walsh), Tom decides...
The contemporary American auteur Michael Mann's bold artistic sensibility was already fully formed when he burst out of the gate with Thief, his debut feature. James Caan stars, in one of his most...