Playwright Martin McDonagh makes an impressive feature film debut as the writer and director of this tragicomedy as rich, dark, and complex as Belgian chocolate. The story unfolds over the course of a few days, as Irish hit men Ken (the appealingly bear-like Brendon Gleeson) and Ray (Colin Farrell, in a loose and sympathetic performance) are ordered to lay low in the tourist-laden town of Bruges, Belgium, after a bungled shooting back home. Their only directive is to stay grounded and wait for further orders from crime boss Harry (Ralph Fiennes, gleefully playing evil), but both underlings-nervous and delightfully talky-chafe with the waiting. Director Martin McDonagh Star Colin Farrell, Brendan Gleeson, Ralph Fiennes, Clemence Poesy, Special Features: Anamorphic Widescreen, 2.35 Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround English, French Subtitles, English (SDH), French, Spanish, Optional Additional Release Material: Deleted Scenes Extended Scenes Runtime: 107 minutes.
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