John Le Carris acclaimed bestselling novel about a Cold War spy on one final, dangerous mission is every bit as precise and ruthless on-screen in this adaptation directed by Martin Ritt. Richard...
Few great actors have been so unfairly represented in the public image. Drunk, a wastrel, uncontrollable, unprofessional, besotted with glamor and wealth - just a few epithets dumped on Richard...
Preye returns home to a surprise: her love, Osaggie. Her father is skeptical about her love for the boy and rejects him as a potential son-in-law. Things get complicated after the wedding when Preye...
A hit-man lives isolated in a cabin at the edge of a lake. One day, an injured woman arrives in front of his house. To save her, he could well risk his own life.
Long unavailable, Olivier Assayas's deeply felt coming-of-age drama Cold Water has until now been a missing link in one of contemporary cinema's richest bodies of work. Drawing from his own youthful...