Woody Allen's playful poke at 19th-century Russian literature and Ingmar Bergman movies casts him as scholar and avowed coward Boris Grushenko, who becomes celebrated for his accidental heroism in...
A family's dangerous legacy unravels as a mother's desperate wartime choices haunt the lives and loves of her sons. In 1990's New York, her eldest son (Josh Lucas) finds a way out of his tailspin of...
In a story set during the Hundred Years War, a student who has abandoned his studies in Paris, pairs with a young noblewoman (Anjelica Huston) with whom he has fallen in love.
Live album release concert featuring Love and Death and special guests including Lacey Sturm (Flyleaf), Keith Wallen (Breaking Benjamin), and Matty Mullins (Memphis May Fire).
This balanced and revealing program examines how a beguiling teenager became a despairing royal wife, but grew into a humanitarian figure of international stature. Wonderful footage of Diana at her...