Using a magical ticket he received from an elderly projectionist, young, movie-obsessed Danny Madigan (Austin O'Brien) is transported into the fictional world of his film hero, macho L.A. cop Jack...
Two-disc set includes: Cliffhanger (1993)Eight months after a tragic accident in which he was unable to save his best friend's girlfriend, Colorado Rockies rescue climber Gabe Walker (Sylvester...
Told in SAM AND ANN CHARTERS' own words, 'Searching for Secret Heroes' is the true story of a young couple who left their home in New York with their pioneering idea to try and capture the essence of...
A traditional musical celebration of the Inca way of life! This DVD features a documentary about the Q'eros, a community of Peruvian Indians believed to be the last survivors of the Inca bloodline.
Jet LI is Chinese folk hero Wong Fei Hong, who relocates his martial arts school next to a brothel after experiencing financial problems. When he learns that several of the prostitutes are being...