In search of a more authentic life, Kate and Matt leave the city for an old house in the middle of nowhere Maryland. There, they discover a hidden room that has the extraordinary power to grant any...
When a terrified family flees a desolate southern New Zealand farmhouse, two cynical scientists and a young psychic are sent to investigate their claims of a haunting. There, they encounter a...
In 1980 Stanley Kubrick released his masterpiece of modern horror, the Shining. Over 30 years later we're still struggling to understand it's hidden meanings. Rodney Ascher's wry and provocative...
From the award-winning creators of Fireproof and Courageous comes War Room, a compelling drama with humor and heart that explores the power that prayer can have on marriages, parenting, careers,...
This is the world's first country music Blu-ray 3D disc. It is compatible with both 2D and 3D Blu-ray players and televisions. The music was recorded in REAL HD-Audio at 96 kHz/24-bit PCM and is...