Pixar Studios' fantastical Oscar-winning foray into the world of superheroes centers around a family of costumed crimefighters who get stuck in a mundane suburban life after a series of lawsuits...
Blasted by radiation during a mission to Saturn, astronaut Steve West (Alex Rebar) returns to Earth to find out he's been afflicted with a gruesome ailment that begins turning his body into a gooey...
The Smurfs 2 is a 2013 American 3D live-action/computer-animated comedy film and a sequel to the 2011 film The Smurfs. It is loosely based on The Smurfs comic-book series created by the Belgian...
Looking for another triumph, Buster Moon (voiced by Matthew McConaughey) reassembled his menagerie of musical discoveries to mount a new show in the entertainment capital of Redshore City. However,...