In this chilling tale of alien terror, a writer (William Devane, Rolling Thunder) takes a personal interest in a series of baffling, shocking murders in Los Angeles... and evidence suggests the...
As a family returns home from vacation at the Grand Canyon, they innocently bring home a supernatural force that preys off their own fears and vulnerabilities, threatening to destroy them from...
From the star and director of the Big Trail. In this pre-civil war saga, a Confederate renegade William Cantrell (Walter Pidgeon) clashes with the new Kansas City marshal, Bob Seton (John Wayne)...
Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall. A young woman picks up a hitchhiker-a San Quentin prison escapee falsely accused of murdering his wife. 1947/b&w/107 min/NR/fullscreen.
For director Bruno Mattei (VIOLENCE IN A WOMEN'S PRISON) and co-writers Claudio Fragasso & Rossella Drudi (TROLL 2), their final - and most notorious - collaboration went beyond brazen plagiarism...