IP MAN: KUNG FU MASTER harks back to Ip's early days before the Communist Revolution in 1949. Ip, portrayed by Dennis To for the third time as the martial artist who famously tutored Bruce Lee, was...
At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Huo, a renowned expert in martial arts, must engage in a heroic life-or-death battle with a feared military commander in order to prevent Japan's surprising and...
A hapless wanna be gangster, Sing, must overcome his inability to wield a knife and demonstrate his mettle in order to become a member of the notorious Axe Gang. The Axe Gang, meanwhile, want to...
From director Mar Lo (Shaolin Thief), and starring Siu-Tung Ching (The Shaolin Boxer) comes this fast-moving Wuxia classic from the legendary Shaw Brothers studio. When prisoner Ching is given half...