The acclaimed film of Alexandre Dumas' classic story, about good and evil twin brothers - one is the imprisoned man in the hideous iron mask, the other is his foppish, elegant twin, King Louis XIV of...
For the honor of the crown and the destiny of a country, the world's most renowned Musketeers reunite for one last epic battle. A sensational cast led by Leonardo DiCaprio, Oscar winner Jeremy Irons,...
James Whale's exciting adaptation of the Alexandre Dumas novel centers on twin heirs to Freance's throne who are separated at birth. The first-born Louis, is raised as a prince, but Phillippe is...
Mackenzie Astin, Kevin Spacey. The true-life tale of an adventurous young man who embarks on a risky cross-country tour with his beloved team of sled dogs. 1993/color/109 min/PG/widescreen.