Walter (Nicolas Cage) and his neglected wife lure a young man into their Victorian home to escape a hurricane. When the man is charged with murder by Det. Jones (Kelsey Grammar), he must reveal the...
The ghostly apparition of a young woman is witnessed by an 18th Century French Lieutenant in Napoleon's army. After two failed attempts to keep up with her, Lt. Andre Duvalier (Nicholson) heads to...
In the near-future Japanese metropolis of Megasaki, pet dogs have been scapegoated for a flu outbreak, and banished to an island garbage dump. Young orphan Atari (voiced by Koyu Rankin), nephew of...
It didn't take long after reporting for her new assignment in the New England borough of Devonsville for schoolteacher Jenny Scanlon (Suzanna Love) to conclude something was a little off with the...
The tranquil island is suddenly rocked by the mysterious death of a local farmer. When he is found in a cave, not a trace of bone left in his body, he has been reduced to a horrible, shapeless mass...