A momentous release, as Morlot and the Seattle Symphony follow their acclaimed recording of Ives' Symphony No. 2 with the next installment that includes four of the composer's greatest works. The...
From it's triumphant, star-studded premiere in 1931 until 1985, Peter Ibbetson was the most-performed American opera at the Metropolitan Opera in New York.1. Act I: Dear Lady, Shall We Dance?...
Mendelssohn wrote his Second Symphony or Lobgesang ('Hymn of Praise') in 1840, to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Gutenberg's invention of movable type. This symphony-cantata, as the composer...
Hanson' last two symphonies offer a fitting conclusion to his compositional career. Commissioned for the 185th anniversary season of the New York Philharmonic and dedicated to Leonard Bernstein, the...