When two orphans, Bianca and Tomas meet up with Tomas' gym rat friends, they concoct an elaborate scheme to rob an aging movie star and one-time Mr. Universe, Maciste (played by Rutger Hauer). The...
After the tragic overdose of his estranged friend, Will, a recovering addict, returns home, where he is reunited with Claire, his friend's grieving mother, with whom he begins a secret but volatile...
Live archive release. October 1, 1969, in Augusta, GA, was a homecoming for James Brown. His and his band's smoking performance at the city's Bell Auditorium was captured on tape, with an intention...
If movies are supposed to be above all else fun, then Back to the Future is everything a film could hope to achieve. In the mid-1980s, Steven Spielberg could get a studio to agree to anything and...