The Czech Philharmonic Quartet is a group composed of the leading soloists of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra. For it's new production, the quartet chose original transcripts (edits) originally of...
Janacek / Pestalozza On An Overgrown Path & Other CD1. On the Overgrown Path (Po Zarostl?m Chodn?cku), for Piano, JW 8/17: Book 1. Our Evenings (Moderato) 2. On the Overgrown Path (Po Zarostl?m...
Janacek / Kvapil Piano Music: On An Overgrown Path / In The Mists CD1. On the Overgrown Path (Po Zarostl?m Chodn?cku), for Piano, JW 8/17: Nase Vecery (Our Evenings). Moderato 2. On the Overgrown...