2002 album sophomore album follows on the heels of her double platinum debut. This French pop-rock beauty has captured the hearts of Paris with both talent and intoxicating beauty. Includes 2 bonus...
Jenifer is the most successful of the graduates of the French edition of "Star Academy", a popular TV talent search show. This album has been recorded live during her 2005 tour.1. Ose 2. Comme Un...
After completing a very successful tour, Jenifer (the winner of French TV talent search show STAR ACADEMY) is back with a new studio album, the third record from this very talented young French...
Jenifer Ma Declaration CD1. Evidemment 2. Ella, Elle L'a 3. Diego Libre Dans Sa Tete 4. Resiste 5. Besoin D'amour 6. Si Maman Si 7. Ca Balance Pas Mal a Paris 8. Comment Lui Dire 9. La Declaration 10...