Jet Set / Var Jet Set / Var CD1. Japanese Title 2. Japanese Title 3. Japanese Title 4. Japanese Title 5. Japanese Title 6. Japanese Title 7. Japanese Title 8. Japanese Title 9. Japanese Title 10...
2012 album from the veteran Rock instrumental quartet. Jet Set is a collection of 14 carefully crafted guitar-driven songs that prove to be the most diverse and inventive of Los StraitJackets' oeuvre...
Jet Set Satellite Blueprint CD1. Lies By the Thousands 2. Best Way to Die 3. The Night It Went Too Far 4. Blueprint 5. The Goodbye Letter 6. Baby, Cool Your Jets 7. After the Rain 8. Tinfoil Star 9...
Debut single from an Australian coterie headed by esteemed Lucksmiths vocalist and percussionist Tali White. On the title track, Tali is joined by Candle Records star Richard Easton plus members of...