Set in 1999, 11 years after the events of Stardust Crusaders, Jotaro Kujo tracks down Josuke Higashikata, the illegitimate son of Joseph Joestar, to help him find a magical bow and arrow which grants...
Eleven years have passed since Jotaro Kujo defeated Dio, the Joestar family's archnemesis. In the year 1999, Jotaro travels to a Japanese town called Morioh to seek out Josuke Higashikata, the secret...
The Joestar group finally reach Egypt to find DIO and save Holly Kujo, in the second half of Stardust Crusaders - Battle in Egypt! As the Joestar group draw closer to DIO's base they are joined by a...
A journey is set in murderous motion with the surfacing of a single casket. When salvagers unwittingly revive an undead evil, an Meeting them at every stop is DIO's own Stand assassins, eager to...
Darkness dwells within the splendor of Venice, but there is also light! The band of young, quick-thinking mafiosi with hearts of gold has made an impossible choice-to betray the famiglia's boss!...