Mccaul,Sean Midnight At Purple Palace CD1. Martini Time 2. Burnt Lavender Tea 3. Furry Intro 4. Disembodied Head of the Blue Furry 5. Bob Harvey Oswald 6. Freddy's Prelude 7. The Way Out 8. Newbest...
Wirtz,Bart / Jones,Sean Interview CD1. We Are the State (Feat. Sean Jones) 2. Sun Chime (Feat. Sean Jones) 3. Growth IV (Feat. Sean Jones) 4. Gang (Feat. Sean Jones) 5. Blues in the Dirt (Feat. Sean...
Fans of Crackerbash and Jr.. High will find Croghan's debut solo album quite compelling. Re-affirming himself as both a strong songwriter and a top-notch performer.1. Gweneveire 2. Cupid's Credit...
Durand Jones's Wait 'Til I Get Over is a memoir and a love letter. It is the story of Jones's life, his growth and revelations, the wisdom of his hometown and the wisdom he could only gain once he...