Colton (Jason Burkey), a respected sheriff s deputy begins to question his faith after his old partner is gunned down, while his new partner Officer Shep (Ben Davies) sets out on a courageous mission...
Some real Hollywood heavyweights join forces to make this light but true comedy about a clown, a lion, and the US Army. After Fearless Fagan's story was recounted in Life magazine, Hollywood pounced...
A satirical comedy about an unsophisticated country boy who treks off to Chicago, gets shot by mobsters and awakens to find that he has the powers of Superman.
Rear Admiral Frederick Burdett Warder was known for both his bravery and his humility. Warder was Skipper of the USS Seawolf submarine during WWII. Then a Lieutenant Commander, Warder became known...
Born in the late 1800s to a martial-arts master in the Tianjin region of China, Huo Yianjia is not allowed to train at his fathers school because because he has asthma. Later, as an adult, the...