A truly unique adventure from Czech filmmaker Karel Zeman ("Baron Munchausen") which uses live action, animation, puppets, and engravings to tell a story based on "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,"...
The fantastic tales of adventure penned over a hundred years ago by Jules Verne still live in the minds of hearts of millions. Futuristic concepts and legendary heroes mix with visions of a utopian...
Inspired by the writings of Jules Verne, this hugely entertaining comedy boasts an all-star cast headed by Burl Ives, Terry-Thomas, Lionel Jeffries and Gert Frobe. In 1875, showman extraordinaire...
It is 1865 and Union prisoners use a military balloon to escape a Southern prison camp near the end of the Civil War. The balloon drifts for days and finally lands on a mysterious volcanic island...
This is easily the best quality DVD edition of this fabulous science fiction film on the market. The evil Count Artigas kidnaps the scientist Professor Roch and his assistant. Artigas takes them to...