Based around a core musical duo known simply as 'J' and 'T' who expand to a thrilling seven piece live band, Jungle make mesmeric, modern soul with true global appeal. Combining what the Guardian...
Welcome to the Jungle is the upcoming debut studio album by British four-piece girl group Neon Jungle. It comes preceded by the lead single 'Trouble', the smash top 10 singles 'Braveheart' and the...
2018 release, the 10th album by the death metal band from Kenosha, Wisconsin. Jungle Rot was founded in 1991 as a side project by members of the Illinois thrash metal act, Prisoner. It wasn't until...
2008 reissue of perhaps the rarest album on Ember Records. The band had already taken their collaboration as far as their individual musical tastes would allow and had split before it was released...