The quintet set their sights beyond formulaic confines with their most introspective, uplifting, vital release to date - their first full-length in five years, 2023's aptly titled The Awakening. The...
Kamelot Epica CD1. Prologue 2. Center of the Universe 3. Farewell 4. Interlude I (Opiate Soul) 5. The Edge of Paradise 6. Wander 7. Interlude II (Omen) 8. Descent of the Archangel 9. Interlude III...
Kamelot Poetry For The Poisoned CD1. The Great Pandemonium 2. If Tomorrow Came 3. Dear Editor 4. The Zodiac 5. Hunters Season 6. House on a Hill 7. Necropolis 8. My Train of Thoughts 9. Seal of Woven...
Two CDs + DVD + Blu-ray edition. Symphonic metal masters Kamelot return with their newest offering, I Am The Empire - Live From The 013. The majestic live album, recorded at the legendary 013 in...