Nanami was just a normal high school girl down on her luck until a stranger's lips marked her as the new Land God and turned her world upside down. Now, she's figuring out the duties of a deity with...
For decades, ex-government agent Raymond "Red" Reddington (James Spader, TV's "The Office," "Boston Legal") has been one of the FBI's Most Wanted fugitives. Last season, he mysteriously surrendered...
Based on the 2010 supernatural film "Legion," this apocalyptic Syfy series follows the exploits of Michael (Tom Wisdom), an archangel who chooses to defend mankind in the war started by his brother...
The rise and violent reign of '80s-era Colombian kingpin Pablo Escobar provided the grist for this compelling, fact-inspired Netflix crime series. As the ambitious smuggler Escobar (Wagner Moura)...
Season 2 picks up where the first season left off: James "Ghost" St. Patrick doubling down on his drug business to save his nightclub and his dream of a legitimate future