A song about a luthier, one on a loss at sea, of baseball, country fairs, Francis James Child, and Albert Einstein, one (or more) about unrequited love, among others. Call this collection eclectic; but I think there is still a thread. Here are people across centuries, from our backyards and across oceans, sharing their foibles and successes, their struggles and heroics, combining in haphazard ways to tell us that we are still all on the same journey. Most of the songs in this CD are original, thus contemporary songs. Some are traditional. I have tried over the years to blur the line between the two and hope both sustain. I want nothing more than to hear others sing them. I am grateful to the friends who helped me with this CD, to Brian McNeill, Cindy Kallet, Grey Larsen, Abby Newton, Tom Goux, and to Terry Leonino and Greg Artzner of 'Magpie' for all their incredible virtuosity, to Grey for his tremendous technical skills and patience
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