Original score to the 2014 motion picture by Icelandic composer/producer Johann Johannsson. THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING is a 2014 British film directed by James Marsh and penned by Anthony McCarten. The...
Starring Eddie Redmayne (Les Miserables) and Felicity Jones (The Amazing Spider-Man 2), this is the extraordinary story of one of the world's greatest living minds, the renowned astrophysicist...
Everything'S Rosie Everything'S Rosie CD1. Extended Theme Tune 2. Washing Up Song 3. Call of the Wild 4. Sandwich Making 5. Spy Theme 6. Space Hippo's Secret Mission 7. Camping Song 8. Harvest Song 9...
Everything Everything have delivered 'Get To Heaven,' the much anticipated follow up album to 2013's 'Arc,' featuring the lead single "Distant Past." Hailing from Manchester and having been nominated...