The story of Floating Bridge begins in the mid 1960's in Seattle. Guitarist Rich Dangel had been a member of the Wailers, the lesser known the Rooks and a late incarnation of the Time Machine. When...
Japanese remastered reissue of the British fusion band's 1970 instrumental debut album. Two CD set packaged in a miniature LP sleeve. Arcangelo. 2004.1. MacArthur Park 2. Dreams 3. Rosecrans...
The South Korean Suhyun Kim (viola) studies concert performance at the Hochschule f?r Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main, the Ukrainian Ievgeniia Iermachkova (piano) is a lecturer at the...
2021 release from the veteran singer/songwriter. Sting recorded the album over the last year with a coterie of trusted musicians beaming into his studio remotely. The list of musicians includes...