Christopher Kearney. Famous first album ('72) has finally emerged as the masterpiece of Canadian swamp along with such as Hans Su timer. Cover is one song, from first of the Grease Band " Let It Be...
Esprit6Nik Coeur Ouvert CD1. Cas Suspect 2. L'innocence Cr?¿Ve 3. La Belle Epoque 4. A Coeur Ouvert 5. La Vie Continue 6. L??Gendes Urbaines 7. Etat Des Lieux 8. Gringos Airlines 9. Jeux Dangereux 10...
Galisteo Un Oeil Ouvert CD1. La Mort Des Amants 2. Sur Le Fil 3. Amn??Sie-Moi 4. La Forteresse 5. Les Horloges 6. Les Sir?¿Nes 7. D'ici 8. Sans Piti?? 9. Sur Le Fil 10. D.I.V