One year after avenging his brother's murder, MMA champion Kurt Sloane finds himself imprisoned by a powerful gangster in Thailand. To win back his freedom, he must train for a fight against a...
Jean-Claude Van Damme returns for a new chapter in the adrenaline charged Kickboxer legacy. Kurt Sloane (Alain Moussi) has always been there for his brother, Eric (Darren Shahlavi), who's known in...
A new kickbox workout from Amy Bento with five Kickbox combos interspersed with five heart pumping surges. The surges are kickbox athletic-style drills that make the workout even more of a challenge...
The DVD was filmed live at the 2012 Full Contact Karate & Kickboxing Seminar in Koblenz with Jean-Yves Theriault: 23 times World Kickboxing Champion, along with Bernie Willems. Jean-Yves...