The best-selling first novel by John Grisham becomes a powerful courtroom drama featuring Samuel L. Jackson as a Mississippi factory worker on trial for killing two racist attackers who raped his...
Simon Pegg stars as a jaded, somewhat demented, hit-man that interwines three tales of murder, mayhem, blackmail, and revenge when the assassin realizes he isn't the only one with his target in the...
Two sisters vie for the inheritance of a creepy, old family castle. There are a series of diabolical killings committed by a dark haired woman in a red cloak, who laughs maniacally at her victims. Is...
Claude Sweet Tooth Barbee and his gang of cutthroat outlaws - the most wanted men in Texas - are on a desperate ride across five hundred miles of badlands to recover a fortune in hidden loot from...
Kill Granny Kill - DVD - A flesh-eating Granny and her murderous tribe lure unsuspecting young women into their home! Answering an in-home help ad for an elderly woman, Abby Daniels leaves family and...