In the waning days of Nazi Germany, a group of senior army officers led by suave aristocrat Col. Claus von Stauffenberg risks all to save what's left of their war-ravaged nation. Their goal: kill the...
In 1987, world-weary old soldier Calvin Barr (Sam Elliott) remained understandably mum about how, as a young man (Aiden Turner), he penetrated Nazi Germany and covertly took out Der Fuhrer. His...
Richard Basehart delivers an incendiary performance as history's most notorious madman in this searing expose of the private life of Adolf Hitler. A semi-factual account of the Fuehrer's rise and...
Claude Sweet Tooth Barbee and his gang of cutthroat outlaws - the most wanted men in Texas - are on a desperate ride across five hundred miles of badlands to recover a fortune in hidden loot from...