When England's throne is suddenly thrust upon him, amidst royal family scandal and impending world war, King George VI (Colin Firth, Oscar winner, Best Actor) must overcome a lifelong, debilitating...
At the dawn of the 20th century, with a cabal headed by mad monk Grigori Rasputin (Rhys Ifans) looking to foment global war for profit, it fell to British adventurer Orlando, Duke of Oxford (Ralph...
In the late 1780s, George III of England (Nigel Hawthorne) began to suffer bouts of dementia, the source of which remains debated to this day. As the behavior of the monarch grew increasingly...
The Coronation of King George II was a magnificent event, deploying great pomp and ceremonial, elevated by music of an equal splendor. Handel, the celebrated opera composer, was commissioned by the...