Vinyl LP pressing. Arriving via a triangulation of Athens, Crete and London, yet existing at a psychic intersection between the ruins of crumbling infrastructure and an intimidating future dystopia...
Work on The Static - was completed just after the tragic, sudden, and untimely death of Hushdrops drummer Joe Camarillo (at 52), and now exists - in part - as a final tribute to Camarillo's...
Vinyl LP pressing. Sugarcult's debut album avoids settling into the comfortable, predictable territory of a single genre. Instead, the band brings together the universal qualities from all the music...
Static Age is an album by the American horror punk band the Misfits. It was recorded in 1978 but was not released in it's entirety until 1997.1. Static Age 2. T.V. Casualty 3. Some Kinda Hate 4. Last...
THE ESTRANGED are a new three-piece from Portland, Oregon. Members come from the HC/Crust scene, where they have a long history of playing in some of the genre's most influential bands. Kinda...