Roddy McDowall, Bryan Russell, Karl Malden. A young man from Boston heads west to join the California gold rush with the hopes of restoring his family fortune, but his dedicated butler sets out to...
LEBRON "KING" JAMES. The gifted child that pathed his way to become a basketball legend. His unwavering work ethic has garnered championship rings, Olympic Gold Medals, NBA Most Valuable Player...
Amidst the fiery chaos of the Rodney King riots, a frazzled foster mother (Halle Berry) desperate to keep her family safe seeks help from her eccentric neighbor (Daniel Craig).
The life of Jesus Christ is powerfully chronicled in this intelligent, gripping epic. From the producer of the epic spectaculars El Cid and the Fall of the Roman Empire and the director of Rebel...
When a team of scientists test an experimental drug that increases aggression in animals and humans, their biochemical lab explodes and a mutated nightmare escapes. Half African King Cobra and half...