Based on the 2005 film of the same name by Geoff Deane and Tim Firth, Kinky Boots the musical premiered in 2012. In it's first season the show received 13 Tony Award nominations and won six. Kinky...
Inspired by a true story and based on the Miramax motion picture written by Geoff Deane and Tim Firth, Kinky Boots, features a warm and witty book by four-time Tony Award winner Harvey Fierstein (La...
Seventeen / O.C.R. / Seventeen / O.C.R. Seventeen / O.C.R. CD1. Weatherbee's Drug Store 2. This Was Just Another Day 3. Things Are Gonna Hum This Summer 4. Summertime Is Summertime 5. Reciprocity 6...
When his father dies, uptight Englishman Charlie is forced to run his family's struggling shoe company. After meeting outrageous female impersonator Lola, he becomes convinced that he can save the...
Perhaps Stephen Sondheim's most popular musical, INTO THE WOODS introduced the songs "No One Is Alone" and "Children Will Listen" and stars Bernadette Peters as the Witch.1. Act 1. Prologue: Into the...