Kishi,Mitsuaki Another Brake CD1. Japanese Title 2. Japanese Title 3. Japanese Title 4. Japanese Title 5. Japanese Title 6. Japanese Title 7. Japanese Title 8. Japanese Title 9. Japanese Title 10...
Omoiyari is Kishi Bashi's fourth album, following the acclaimed 151a (2012), Lighght (2014), and Sonderlust (2016). Channeling the hard-learned lessons of history, Omoiyari reflects the turbulent...
LGHGHT (pronounced 'Light') continues and expands the sound of his critically acclaimed debut, 151A - which earned Kishi Bashi the title of 'Best New Artist' by NPR. Since the profoundly successful...
Kishi Bashi 151A CD1. Intro / Pathos, Pathos 2. Manchester 3. Bright Whites 4. It All Began with a Burst 5. Wonder Woman, Wonder Me 6. Chester's Burst Over the Hamptons 7. Atticus, in the Desert 8. I...