After crashing off the coast, Lt. Brian Murphy battles for survival across the vast terrains of Africa in search for a way to get back to his beloved family. Joined by local military man Daniel...
Documentarian Kirsten Johnson was looking for a way to process the inevitable passing of her father Richard-a retired psychiatrist, now widowed and diagnosed with dementia. With his agreement, she...
Based on the international anime sensation, Knights of the Zodiac brings the Saint Seiya saga to the big screen in live-action for the first time. Seiya (Mackenyu), a headstrong street teen, spends...
One Christmas in Camelot, the revels were interrupted by a hulking, emerald-skinned knight (Ralph Ineson) who dared anyone present to lay a blow on him... as long as he got to strike back a year...
Clive Owen delivers an electrifying performance as a fallen warrior who rises against a corrupt and sadistic ruler to avenge his dishonored master (Morgan Freeman) in this epic, sword-clashing...