The Norwegian vocal ensemble Edvard Grieg Kor is the resident a cappella ensemble at Troldhaugen, the home of Edvard Grieg. Displaying versatility across all musical genres, they perform regularly...
Svend Simon Schultz (1913-1998) is one of the most remarkable Danish composers and as a conductor he made a significant contribution to Danish songs, not least during his 30 years as head of the...
With this surround-sound recording of Berlioz's Requiem, Edward Gardner and the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra tackle the infinite and the immeasurable. All the grandiose, striking beauty of the...
1. Call It Home 2. Coming Around 3. Cry for Me 4. Standin' Still Blues 5. Hold It Down 6. Your Sweet Love 7. Those Days 8. Live Learn 9. Only Home I've Ever Known 10. Silicon World 11. Tell Me (I...