Contemporary Jazz pianist (and Japanese television personality) Hiroko Kokubu at once possesses the finesse and discipline for straight-ahead Jazz and a deep love for the carefree nature of popular...
Kokubu,Hiroko Winter Best CD1. Snow White 2. Horizon 3. Starland 4. Azzurro Fantasia 5. Little Anniversary 6. Moment We Share 7. Apres L'amour (Missing You) 8. Song for Bohemian 9. I'll Be with You,...
Kokubu,Hiroko Piano Anniversary CD1. Always 2. Tomorrow Never Knows 3. Fiesta 4. Sing for Love 5. Little Anniversary 6. Lifeline 7. Starland 8. Easter Egg 9. Chiffon Cake Bossa 10. You're My Moose 11...
Kokubu,Hiroko New York Uncovered CD1. Besame Mucho 2. Stella By Starlight 3. Key Largo 4. Tico Tico 5. Malaika/ Safari 6. Antonio's Song 7. Ju-Ge-Mu 8. Three Views of a Secret 9. Miagete Goran Yoru...