Kotzen,Richie Break It All Down / Wave Of Emotion CD1. Break It All Down 2. Killin Time 3. The Feeling's Gone 4. Some Voodoo 5. I Would 6. You Don't Know 7. Live a Little 8. I Don't Belong 9. My...
Kotzen,Richie What Is CD1. What Is 2. Too Deep 3. You Got a Fire 4. Locked Out 5. You Don't Owe Me 6. Angie 7. Open Your Eyes 8. Strength 9. Lose Again 10. Cross the Line 11. I'm Losin' You
Richie Kotzen.1. Cannibals 2. In An Instant 3. The Enemy 4. Shake It Off 5. Come on Free 6. I'm All in 7. Stand Tall 8. Up (You Turn Me) 9. You 10. Time for the Payment
2021 release. Smith/Kotzen is the exciting partnership between guitarists and vocalists Adrian Smith & Richie Kotzen. Part-time LA neighbours, full time friends with a healthy mutual respect -...