In modern-day Los Angeles, barista and struggling actress Mia Dolan (Emma Stone) hunted for that elusive break, while uncompromising jazz pianist Sebastian Wilder (Ryan Gosling) stubbornly planned to...
La Sonnambula is an idyllic, classical, and intense melodrama with extremely fine, lyrical, musicality. It combines tender and melancholic sentiments with tragic moving passion. The opera takes place...
2K Restoration by Gaumont! In La Chevre, French comedy writing sensation Francis Veber (The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe, La Cage aux Folles) first teamed Tall Blond's Pierre Richard with...
La Chinoise is a pop-art masterpiece by Jean-Luc Godard that both channels and parodies the revolutionary energies of Paris in 1967. Disillusioned by their suburban lifestyles, a group of...