In modern-day Los Angeles, barista and struggling actress Mia Dolan (Emma Stone) hunted for that elusive break, while uncompromising jazz pianist Sebastian Wilder (Ryan Gosling) stubbornly planned to...
Chabrol's film stars Stephane Audran, Jean Pierre Cassel, Michel Bouquet. Helene is a good mother with a checkered past as a stripper and barmaid. She divorces her ne'er-do-well husband and her...
Lost after it's material records were destroyed by fire in 1883, the spectacular ballet La Source originally portrayed the idealistic vision of a magical domain in which a complex but beautiful love...
Pietro Antonio Cesti was one of the most outstanding champions of 17th-century Venetian opera, and La Dori was both his greatest success and a major influence on the genre in the expressiveness of...